Wednesday 23 September 2009

How we did our opening sequence

We spent last Tuesday (15th) planning how we were going to do our opening sequence for our version of Juno, by drawing a storyboard, writing down all the different camera angles and what props we would need, i.e juice carton, skateboard,etc. We then shot the footage on Friday, ready for us to edit this Tuesday. We used the programme 'Final Cut' to edit our footage, whilst also learning more new techniques, such as how to zoom in on a shot, how to delete the audio that was with the footage so it didn't come up on our final video. We had to shoot all of our material on the Coleridge grounds, because we couldn't take the cameras offsite due to insurance, so we found shooting scenes such as the part where the girl crosses the road and when she walks past a shop quite difficult, but we managed to improvise and use different areas of the school grounds.
I think that our opening sequence came out quite well. We did have some problems with our footage, such as one of the shots we needed to use was over exposed, but we needed to use it. Our sequence doesn't have any titles on it and I think if we had been able to have a little extra time on editing our footage, we could have put some in, but overall I think both me and Liam did really well with our editing, especially seeing as neither of us had used 'Final Cut' before.

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