Tuesday 10 November 2009

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

We used the shot of a candle as the first shot of our opening, because it gives the feeling that something magical is going to happen and draws the audience in. Also the candle right at the beginning helps to set the mood for the rest of the film.
The title of our film opening comes in quite early, so that it doesn't make our opening like a trailer. We made our main title a lot bigger than our other titles, and also we changed the main title colour to yellow, because this is a bright colour and it also symbalises the colour of fire.
The setting of our film opening is set in a small woods, because this is the typical place people would expect to find magical creatures, such as fairies.
We had our main character (Alison Murphy) dress up in a hippie style dress, to make her seem like she has an interest in fairies and magical creatures.
We set the main title in the middle of the screen, to make it stand out, whereas with the other titles we had them set in the corners of the screen. We used the style of font 'Inked God', because it looks magical.
We used quite a few different shots, such as long shots, close-ups and medium shots for our camerawork.
The opening suggests that the genre is going to be supernatural, because the setting is dark and the flickering candle at the beginning gives the feeling something magical is going to happen.
We used quite a few special effects in our opening, when we put the fairies in. My partner used the programme Auto-desk Maya, to make the fairies, which we then green screened onto our footage in Final Cut. Editing the fairies onto the footage was very time consuming, because we had to move each individual fairy using keyframe motion.
Our main character is introduced near the beginning, walking into the forest. When we did the shooting of our main character walking down the pathway, it was dark, so you can't see her face. The main title comes up before we see her face aswell. We first see her face when she comes into contact with the fairies.

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